Hammerschmidt PTA
Welcome! We would love to have your family join the PTA! Don't know how to get involved?
We have a range of activities and events that can work with your interests and schedule. Need a short-term commitment? Consider a one-time event like our Fitness Fair in September. Looking to be involved all year? Join us for Movie Nights or as a Classroom Parent. Need to volunteer from home? We have computer projects that can be done on your own schedule.
PTA Family Directory
A school directory is provided to all the PTA families as a benefit of membership. Want to secure your own copy? Join today!
Already a member, but missing your directory? Email us at secretary.whspta@gmail.com

PTA Board
Every 2 years we elect a new executive board, including President(s), Vice President of Communication, Vice President of Fundraising, Treasurer(s), Secretary and Council Representative.
Have Questions, Concerns or Need Additional Information? Contact Us at:
The WHS PTA supports a broad range of programs and services for Hammerschmidt students. Many of school programs would not be possible without the time and support provided by their committees.
View our list of committees
Assemblies: Work with the principal and the Executive Board to find and book assemblies for our students throughout the year.
Scholastic Book Fairs: Set up, organize, work and tear down book fairs. Assist students and teachers in creating “wish lists”. Work with teachers to create recommendations and requests for donations to class and library and helping hands committee. (November and May)
Chess Club: Club includes grades 3 – 5 and runs after school one day per week for 6 – 8 weeks (usually 3:15-5:00 p.m.). Students are paired up and rotate through other students to learn to play and compete in tournaments. Parents give instruction and guidance. Chess experience not required for Chair. (Winter/Spring)
Concessions/Dine Outs: Buy bulk snacks and drinks to sell at various events throughout the year, and set up a monthly dine to donate event at restaurants local to the Lombard area. Work with the restaurants to set up the event, and collect the payment afterwards.
Field Day: Plan and run a field day event for the students the last week or week before the end of school. Plan activities and coordinate volunteers. (May or June)
Fifth Grade Farewell: Runs on the last day of school in place of fifth grade classroom parties. Plan, organize and run activities and food for full fifth grade class; plan and provide food and supplies. (May or June)
Trunk or Treat: Plan the Trunk or Treat event the Friday before Halloween. Get volunteers to decorate their trunks and hand out candy from their trunks. Coordinate with the executive board for candy donations. (October)
Hammer’ween: Adult-only, offsite, Halloween fundraiser. Volunteers help with planning, decorating, advertising the event, and selling raffle tickets the night of. (October)
Helping Hands: Work with the executive board to support local families in the community.
Membership: Keep track of memberships, advertise to get as many WHS families to become members of the PTA.
Movie Nights: Evening drop-off event at WHS for students. Volunteers supervise children as they watch a family-friendly film. Held 4 times per school year on Friday nights ~6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Volunteers check students in and out, supervise children and purchase concessions snacks to sell during event. (4xs/year)
Pool Party: Schedule the beginning of school pool party in January when the registration opens up, then plan the event day of. Coordinate volunteers for PTA sign up booths and make sure everything runs smoothly at the event.
School Supply Drop Off Event: Plan a treat/event for the students at school supply drop off days, to welcome them to the new school year.
PTA Phone Book: Collect the data from memberships and create the digital PTA Phone Book that goes out to all WHS PTA members.
Reflections: PTA national art contest that allows students to submit art in various categories including visual arts, music, dance choreography, film and written works. Volunteers advertise the program and coordinate with the high school arts program to coordinate workshops. Assist students to submit projects and coordinate with council, state and national PTA. (Fall)
Room Parent: Organize and plan two room parties for winter (December) and end of year (June). Help with teacher appreciation week for your teacher in April. Communicate with parents and teacher throughout the year.
School Kits: Coordinate school kits for one grade. Work with the executive board to buy supplies in bulk, and put together school kit orders. Coordinate pickup and/or drop off.
Spiritwear: Coordinate, design, take orders, organize and deliver the spirit wear to school. (1-2x/year)
Staff Appreciation: Plan and deliver meals and activities/treats for the staff during Custodial Appreciation Week (October), Conferences (November) and Teacher Appreciation Week (April)
Talent Show: Volunteers advertise event, hold auditions, plan rehearsals and run the show with the help of student crew members. Also, decorate the gym and advertise the event. (January and February)
Trackathon: Coordinate a trackathon event, post for donations, coordinate volunteers and run the event.
Trivia Night: Adult-only, offsite fundraiser. Volunteers decorate, advertise and secure supply donations for event, in addition to planning entertainment and trivia games/questions.
Wellness Club: Run and advertise Walk & Roll (Fall & Spring), plan stargazers tasting events during lunch, as well as other wellness focused events throughout the year.
Wolves Game: Run and plan the wolves game fundraiser. (January/February)
Yearbook: Coordinate with the yearbook company to create the yearbook through their design website. Coordinate with office staff to get final design approved and sent out, then organize and deliver to the school for distribution.